Kapiti Squash Club Autumn Newsletter

Welcome to this KSRC newsletter …. without wanting to make it sound like a end of term report can I please “spotlight” on a few new features ….

Firstly you have all seen the Club “10 years younger in 10 days makeover” so I will bypass the “floating of the Titanic” by way of painting, carpark, electronic scoring and kitchen upgrade and let you know that post this work KSRC is still in a sound financial position. However, we will “walk before we run” with any further immediate enhancements being financially prudent and saving what we have “for a rainy day”.

Nevertheless, there are a few further highlights that may have gone “under the radar” firstly a mighty “shout out" to Mike Pohatu for his work on our website kapitisquash.co.nz. Please visit this site and make it a “positive habit" because this is where all the up to date, day to day club information is now posted. Here you will find a Calendar of the years Events, latest news, rules and regulations, deadlines from Squash Wgtn, Contacts, Sponsor info, Photos, Club Day info etc. This is the "go to" place for Club info both on and off the court so thanks Mike for brining us into the 21st Century :-)

The club is still the place to be on Monday nights, although rebranded from “Steve’s Bash & Beers” the concept is still the same turn up and play some squash. An extension to this is Club Day Friday’s which features a Juniors training secession (thanks Todd & Fred) from 4pm (again all welcome) running into Club Day from 5:30pm. This evening in my tenure as president has been the most successful in terms of member representation that we have ever had, the success I’m attributing to Shelley “smoking it” (no pun intended :-) in the Kitchen. I’m not alone in making the club the “go to “ place for one (or two) of Shell’s Burgers for Friday dinner :-)

Unfortunately we have had to cancel this years Kapiti Open (Covid in the committee). What this shows is that we are lacking depth in key responsible positions, so if members feel the need to contribute please don’t be shy and put your hand up “many hands make light work” as they say. We now start to run into a busy period at KSRC (see events below & on the website) so ‘Lots and Lots' to look forward too… which reminds me, we still have to sort out Doubles :-))

You will also hear your phones buzzing occasionally from KSRC, texting reminders of whats going on at the Club. This feature (thanks Sleepy) has been implemented in response to member feedback … “In our busy lives just tell us what’s happening” … Well now we are, so please make sure your email and mobile are correctly recorded in HelloClub :-))

OK, that's enough from me, I will hand over to this newsletter for the rest …. and of course the website :-))

Best, Kevin & the Committee


A lot of work has taken place this year to improve the club's facilities. Thank you to all those mentioned, and those who slipped off the list below. We are all grateful for the contribution.

  • The grounds have been done and look great, thank you.

  • Inside looks spotless. Thanks Shelley!

  • Painting has been completed (where the old cabbage patch gardens were) …. a big shout to to Greg Freeman & Connor Freeman-Gray.

  • The website has been updated with KSRC Club Event Dates, and the before and after pictures of our upgrade, “Lest we Forget” how the club used to look …. a big shout out to Mike. 

  • The electrical work has been started for Shelley’s new kitchen hot plate, and the Squash Court electronic scoring completed by Euan’s team. 

  • Thanks also to Scaifie for fixing the leaking tap and blocked drains in the Men’s.

  • “Pazza” and Sharp (NZ) LTD for donating the three big screen TV’s for the Court Electronic Scoring and Sponsor information.

Upcoming Dates

  • Wgtn Junior Open & Kapiti Masters, Aug 19-21 Sunday arvo finish (No dinner but kitchen open BBQ etc)

  • KSRC Club Champs, Sept 15-17 Saturday finish (dinner Saturday night & party)

  • Wrinkles, Oct 15-16 (small selection of food available Saturday  night & party)

  • KSRC Graded champ Finals, Club Prizegiving & Xmas Party  Saturday Dec 3rd  (Xmas Dinner & party)

  • AGM, date Monday 21st November

  • Club Night, every Friday night from 5pm.

To join any event, please contact Hayden membership@kapitisquash.co.nz 

For more Event info, please go to:


Recent Results

Congratulations to all who entered and put their best effort into the game. Let’s celebrate these individuals who did exceedingly well against their opponent. Better late than never we get these results out!

Kapiti B & Below

Womans Div 2

  • Jenny Bromley - Plate

Womans Div 3

  • Fiona Gould - Winner

  • Jodine Bunn - Special Plate

Mens Div 1

  • Mark Millar - Special Plate

  • Paul Steinmetz - Consolation

Mens Div 2

  • Todd Stewart - Winner

  • Euan Whittaker - Plate

Mens Div 3

  • Fred Han - Special Plate

  • Hayden Lloyd - Plate

  • Dave McLeod - Consolation Plate

Mens Div 4

  • Joshua Thacker - Special Plate

  • Shamus Vallance Gibbs - Plate

Club Night

Friday Club Nights are a brilliant opportunity to wind down the week and get a game in before the weekend, as well as enjoying a meal with friends and family. Be it the Pool Table, T.V, watching games, having a drink, hanging out in the Sauna; Club Night is a positive time and space for growing connections and well-being. 

Come along to Club Night, ask around for a hit and you’ll certainly find someone to have a game or two with.


The Bar will be open from 5:30pm. 

The Kitchen will be open from 5:30-8pm. Burgers, hot chips, toasted sandwiches are all on offer. 

Club Night Info please contact (text or call) Todd Stewart: 027 305 0696

Kitchen Upgrades

Shelley Trewen, club secretary, has brought her enthusiasm and love to running the club kitchen, which will be open during Friday Club Nights and during events/tournaments.

Shelley is committed to enabling the kitchen to support and grow the social nature of the club, as well as to offer a great menu for adults and kids alike. With the new large hot plate she can be whipping up multiple burgers at once, and the new deep fryer makes amazing chips!

Painting, Signage, Carpark!

The clubrooms look fantastic after the new paint job and colour scheme, as well as the new sign! Looking great, team! The carpark has been resealed and one day perhaps it'll be EV ready! :)

Monday Game Night

Free on Monday evening? Find it hard to organise a game but are really keen to play? Monday evenings are a fantastic time to zip out of the house, down to the club, and play as many games as you can handle, from 6:45 onwards. There are often between 4-8 players there, usually having a game each then changing to play another person (or having a rest between games). Games are to 15 points. 

This is an excellent time to meet new people and play socially. You’ll see the booking for these courts done prior, on the HelloClub court booking system. 

Spare racquets are almost always available.

Racquet Restringing

If your racquet needs restraining (due to breakage or just wear and tear), you can contact Hayden Lloyd, a long term member of the club and restringing extraordinaire.

Hayden uses a range of strings depending on what’s required, and costs range from $50. 

Racquet pickup and drop off provided, to home or to the club. 
Contact Hayden on restring@kapitisquash.co.nz or 027 805 6734

Committee Members

Many people work behind the scenes to support and grow the club, while the committee members are by no means the only ones who do this, they do hold specific roles and bring their energy and enthusiasm to the tasks. For 2022, these members are:

President: Kevin Gardner ph 027 485 4129

Vice President: Todd Stewart     ph 027 305 0696

Treasurer: Chris Charteris ph 027 470 6445

Secretary: Shelley Trewern ph 027 597 8094

Membership: Hayden Lloyd        ph 027 805 6734

Communications: Todd Chaplin    ph 022 693 4776
